Calgary Opera

The Calgary Opera is a Canadian professional opera company in Calgary, Alberta, originally known as the Southern Alberta Opera Association. It performs in the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, accompanied by the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra and the Calgary Opera Chorus. It mounts three productions a year during its November–May season, as well as an annual concert or recital featuring a singer of outstanding international reputation.

Calgary Opera also employs a resident company of singers who have completed their training and are in the early stages of their professional careers. These singers cover principal roles, perform in smaller roles, and help take opera to the broader public in Calgary and in the communities of southern Alberta.

In Canada, Calgary Opera ranks with Toronto's Canadian Opera Company, Opéra de Montréal, the Vancouver Opera, and Pacific Opera Victoria as being among North America's most innovative and successful opera companies. Calgary Opera showcases primarily North American singers in its casts, and regularly produces contemporary North American operas, including works that it commissions. Calgary Opera was the first Canadian company to mount a production of "Dead Man Walking", and achieved acclaim for "Filumena", which it co-commissioned with the Banff Centre, and which was created by librettist John Murrell and composer John Estacio.

Year Main-Stage Productions
2010/11 Lucia di Lammermoor, The Inventor, and Aida
2009/10 Manon, Little Women, and Don Giovanni
2008/09 Faust, Ariadne auf Naxos, and Il Barbiere di Siviglia
2007/08 Rigoletto, The Ballad of Baby Doe, and Tosca
2006/07 La Cenerentola, Frobisher, and Carmen
2005/06 Turandot, Dead Man Walking, and Die Zauberflöte
2004/05 Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium closed for renovations
2003/04 Roméo et Juliette, Sweeney Todd, and The Tales of Hoffmann
2002/03 Hänsel und Gretel, Filumena, and La Traviata
2001/02 Le Nozze di Figaro, La Bohème, and Don Pasquale
2000/01 Il Trovatore, Turtle Wakes, and Madama Butterfly
1999/00 Les Pêcheurs de Perles, Aida, and Die Fledermaus
1998/99 Rigoletto, Don Giovanni, and Carmen
1997/98 Tosca, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, and Faust
1996/97 Turandot, The Mikado, and Die Zauberflöte
1995/96 La Boheme, La Cenerentola, and Eugene Onegin

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